
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Well, hello there!

Man, oh man, does this feel fantastic and weird. Definitely weird. It has been so incredibly long since I've written in a blog.

My blog.

And I'm happy to be back! Anonymous this time around but back nonetheless.

So, anonymous? This will be interesting. Do I use code names? Crazy aliases? Decision, decisions!

I think I'll just start with my story.

It began in 2009 when I married the love of my life. What a ride we've been on! We went through more bad stuff, oh let's just tell it like it was, we went through absolute fucking hell for a number of years. We made some crazy, off the wall decisions, and landed here. Five and a half years later, happier than ever before. With a life darn well near perfect.

We have a dog, named Saint. He's a lab. He's crazy the way most young labs are. But he's super good looking so we let him stay.

We have a litter of cats. Ok, so not really. But we do have four. I love them. Except when they bring snakes into my house for show and tell.

Not so cool.

But the best of all, we have a beautiful (yes, I know all parents say this but in our case its so, so true) little girl. And I don't just mean she's easy to look at. I mean this child is the sweetest, kindest, funniest, smartest little thing I've ever encountered and probably that you've ever encountered too. And because we've been living with this crazy kid for 17 months now we've come to realize that we really want to bring another baby into our home just as awesome and wonderful and cute and loveable as she is. It's hard to find perfection once but we're pretty sure we can do it again!

So our journey begins.

I kept a blog of our journey to my daughter. It was traumatic. Not the blog. But the journey. Two miscarriages, an infection that destroyed my fallopian tubes, an ectopic pregnancy, fertility treatments including IVF and then finally, from out of darkness my rainbow appeared. And just in the knick of time too, I'm not so sure my heart could have survived much more.

And here we go again. In the coming months we will embark down the same road. IVF. This time with a lot more knowledge of what we're up against and just how incredibly lucky and blessed we are to be parents at all.

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